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Friday 12 February 2016

No bonus for Leicester City players if they win the Premier League

Leicester City could be set for a shock Premier League win as they lead the table with just 13 games remaining. The players however will not receive any special bonus if they win the title.According to Daily Mail, terms drawn up last summer for the players do not include a bonus for winning the league.
The terms according to the report, emphasised on avoiding relegation to the Championship while a £6.5million bonus was signed if they end up in 12th and above at the end of the season.No bonus provision was made for the players if they finish in the Champions League place or win the title.

The club never expected to be in this position at the end of the season and made no provision for league winning bonuses.According to whistle-blowing website Football Leaks, Manchester United players got £2.5m for their 2009-10 Premier League title while Manchester City were paid £6.2m for their title win in 2012.

Leicester owners cannot even pay from his own goodwill if they win the league as it is illegal to pay bonuses not included in the terms before the season.

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