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Sunday 28 February 2016

INCREDIBLE!!! Kenyan man who stole TV set returns to owner with the item stuck on his head [Video]

A Kenyan man from the Busia county, who broke into the home of a businessman to steal electronic items, shocked the community when he returned to the owner of the good with a television set he had stolen stuck to his head.

According to KTN News, the event which was are captured on camera in broad daylight, saw the suspected thief walking meekly to the house from where he stole the television set.
Villagers who came out to witness the daylight spectacle, would have lynched the man but for the intervention of the owner of the property and the witch doctor who cast the spell on the thief, who prevented the crowd from beating to death.
The report had it that when the businessman discovered that his house had been burgled, he called in the witch doctor who made some sacrifices and gave an ultimatum that whoever stole the items would show up with the stuck to his head.
And true to his words, the very next day, the thief came back just as the witch doctor, identified as Duncan Omonding, had predicted.
The thief who was said to have been stealing in Malaba town near the Uganda-Kenya border, spent the best part of an hour waiting for the TV owner to show up.
When the businessman and Omonding came, they demanded a fee of KSh 150,000 in order to remove the TV that was still stuck on the thief’s head. It took the efforts of sympathizers in the village to plead with the witch doctor and have the TV removed.
When a written agreement was agreed upon, the witch doctor reversed the spell in a special hut in the village and the the TV was removed from the man’s head.
Watch the video here.

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