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Monday 29 February 2016

President Buhari says terrorists group Boko Haram are no longer threat

President Muhammadu Buhari has announced that members of Boko Haram are no longer threats to the country and world at large. Admitting that the sect’s activities had led to loss of many lives and displacement of innocent people in the country, Buhari said his administration had cleverly reduced the havoc wrecked by the terrorists.

Speaking on Sunday, February 28, 2016 in Qatar, President Buhari addressed conflicts in Syria and Yemen saying Qatar has a genuine intention in solving the issues.
“The conflicts in Yemen and Syria with their attendant humanitarian crisis need genuine international effort to solve," he said.
Speaking further, Buhari said, 'Nigeria as a peace-loving country identifies with the State of Qatar in all her peace efforts in the world to end terrorist activities.
'Nigeria is a victim of terrorism. It is with heavy heart that I stand before you and say activities of Boko Haram have led to loss of many lives and displacement of innocent people in our dear nation.
'We, however, take pride to inform you that since our coming to power, Boko Haram has been systematically decimated and are in no position to cause serious threat to our development programmes.
'I wish to reiterate that Nigeria rejects violence and extremism in all their ramifications, and assure your Highness that we are with the State of Qatar in your efforts to fight terrorism and injustice in your region and in the world at large,' the President said.

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