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Thursday 3 March 2016

Former Mr Nigeria Emmanuel Ikubese and Juliet Ibrahim now dating?

Former Mr. Nigeria, Emmanuel Ikubese yesterday made a post to Ghanaian actress,Juliet Ibrahim which has made many ask if the two are dating.
Is it for real or an hasty conclusion? Check his post below and be the judge of that.
It is way passed midnight on a truly special day for you and as I search for ways to make you feel as special as I find you, I can't stop smiling at the thought of how lucky I am to just be in a position to say "I love you" to you. Long emotional messages are not my thing, as you will realize by the end of this looong terrible idea(an Emmanuel love letter lol), but you give me the kind of feeling that people write novels about, so I might as well try my hand at it. I know you don't see yourself the way I see you, you can't possibly, And you will probably argue if I told you how beautiful I think you are, inside and out, But even things you can't stand about yourself are all the things i can't go a day without. Just so it doesn't get boring I will stop here..but this doesn't even scratch the surface of how I feel at this moment, and I hope I find ways of showing it to you Happy birthday My Love, stay exactly the same this new year, PERFECT! @julietibrahim

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