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Thursday 31 March 2016

BREAKING!!! US to assist Nigeria with $600M in 2016 John Kerry says

U.S Secretary of State, John Kerry and President Muhammadu Buhari  36ng 
US Secretary of State, John Kerry has said that his country will invest $600 million in Nigeria in 2016. Kerry made the disclosure on Thursday, March 31, 2016, during the opening session of the US-Nigeria bi-national commission meeting in Washington, The Cable reports.

“We want Nigeria to succeed. And I don’t say that with any element of patronising or arrogant or any kind of view other than the fact that we know there are challenges,” he said.
“Nigeria is an extraordinary country.  It has huge potential, a very rich culture.  And it is finding very vibrant expression in every branch of the arts.  And like the United States, it is a diverse country with a very large and assertive civil society; and like America, Nigeria is looked to for leadership in confronting some of the starkest challenges of our times.
Buhari meets US Secretary of State, John Kerry.  Vanguard 

“Now, Nigeria’s future is in Nigerians’ hands. We respect that. The United States is here to help to meet your needs, to listen to you carefully, to understand what it is that you believe is necessary, and to work with you where we can to implement.
“Our development assistance this year will top $600 million, and we are working closely with your leaders – the leaders of your health ministry – to halt the misery that is spread by HIV/AIDS, by malaria, and by TB.
“Our Power Africa Initiative is aimed at strengthening the energy sector, where shortage in electricity has frustrated the population and impeded growth. And our long-term food security programme, feed the future, is helping to create more efficient agriculture and to raise rural incomes in doing that,” he added.
Kerry had earlier praised the Muhammadu Buhari administration for taking the fight to Boko Haram.

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