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Saturday 19 December 2015

INCREDIBLE!!! Woman Delivers Live Turtle And Vomits Padlock In Lagos

Time was 5am on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 during the Rhema water programme organised by the Elijah Faith Assembly Church, Ajao Estate, Lagos. The incident took many, including the church’s Overseer, Prophet Chinonso Favour Aniebo by sur­prise.
Many took to their heels as a result of fear and the irritation of seeing a pool of blood that gushed out of the private part of the woman, Mrs Cassandra Amaka Obi, be­fore the turtle eventually came out.

After the incident, the 22-year-old Cas­sandra from Ihiala, in Anambra State, lay flat on the floor of the church, while deliverance prayers were going on to resuscitate her, af­ter some hours of going into coma. The story of Cassandra, who is nursing a six-month-old baby girl, who she took to the church that fateful day, will arouse fears and probably sympathy in any human.

She told THE SUN News that her problems started when she was a little girl under her parents in their Umuabanike village, Ihiala. According to her, her father, who is a strong and known native doctor in the area, initiated her into the occult through his shrine when she was seven years old and started using her to execute his job.

“When I was nine, my father invoked both the key and the turtle in my body, so that I will be strong spiritually to assist him in his shrine. That time, this turtle was in his barn and was smaller. I really knew the time he did the whole thing, but as a child, I did not know the implication. Then, among all the children my father has, I was the clos­est to him, so he decided to use me in his shrine. Sometimes, after preparing charms, he would send me to go and throw them into the river or anywhere he wanted me to send it to. And, because he used to give me some money, I was happy working with him”, she stated.

Cassandra said she continued working with her father in the shrine until she clocked the age of 17 when someone came to ask for her hand in marriage, but her father bluntly refused her getting married.
Her words: “At 17, I thought I had served my father well and should, therefore, marry, but surprisingly, my father objected to that, insisting that I should not get married at all, instead, I should stay at home and have as many children as I liked, in order to assist him in his job. But, I refused. After much pressure, he managed to allow me get mar­ried. My husband fulfilled all the marriage rites and on the day of our wedding, my fa­ther did not come to the church, he only ap­peared when we wanted to take photographs and he joined us. Could you believe that im­mediately we finished taking a photograph with my father, I did not get myself again, I lost my memory, pulled my wedding ring and threw it to my husband and told him that the marriage was over.

 I ran away and they caught me. In fact, our guests and everyone present were surprised. Even when they man­aged to take me to my father’s house, I want­ed to jump the fence. It was when my father brought kola nuts and prayed that I regained my senses and followed my husband that I was able to calm down.”

That could be said to be the beginning of Cassandra’s marital problems. After about six years of their marriage, she could not con­ceive probably due to the padlock, turtle and other dangerous concoctions her father put in her body. She and her husband went to so many places in search of solution, and lots of money, energy and time were wasted, but all were fruitless.

Meanwhile, as these were going on, Cas­sandra did not reveal to her husband what was wrong with her. “Though, I knew that all the things inside my body were the cause of the problem we were having in our home, I did not want to tell my husband because he will be scared and may decide not to continue with the marriage.”

It was while the search for solution to their prob­lem continued that their neighbour introduced them to the Elijah Faith Assembly Church where they received prayers and deliv­erance.

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