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Wednesday 11 May 2016

OPINION!!! Why Muhammadu Buhari Is Not Gods Will For Nigeria

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, … .” So begins Charles Dickens’ The Tale of Two Cities. That is the way i look at the happenings in Nigeria. In 1 Samuel 8:5 the Israelites asked Samuel to appoint a king, saying, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” Samuel was displeased and prayed to the Lord concerning the matter. God answered, “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.
As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you” (1 Samuel 8:7–8). God said the Israelites’ request was a rejection of Him, that they had forsaken Him and were serving other gods.What i am trying to say is that Gods plan and his will can be upturned by the people(us). Luke 7:30 sheds more light on this and goes ahead to say 'But the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God's purpose for themselves, because they had not been baptized by John'
The aforementioned bible passages can be juxtaposed into what happened in Nigeria. Gods plan for Nigeria WAS GOODLUCK JONATHAN. Oh yes,you heard me right GEJ but the people rejected his plan and went for MUHAMMADU BUHARI. He said, in 1 Samuel 10-18 the lord had told Samuel that when you get a king (Saul) “Here are the policies of the king who will rule over you: He will conscript your sons and put them in his chariot forces and in his cavalry; they will run in front of his chariot. 12 He will appoint for himself leaders of thousands and leaders of fifties, as well as those who plow his ground, reap his harvest, and make his weapons of war and his chariot equipment. Verse 18 says 'In that day you will cry out because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord won’t answer you in that day.
The ride is also frightening. If the Israelites thought that a king would give them security and uninterrupted peace, they were wrong. Under Saul’s leadership, there were many terrifying moments just like it is now under the leadership of president MUHAMMADU BUHARI. It's not strange we're suffering under Buhari. Electricity: Power generation has dropped to the lowest ebb. Unemployment: Millions of jobs have been lost in 2016 as against the three million jobs promised by the APC yearly and we are just in the first year of the APC led government. Economic Policy: Most private owned middle-class businesses have folded up because of bad economic policies of the Buhari-led government. Devaluation: The Naira has continued to have a free fall which has taken it to as low as N320 to one Dollar. Human Rights: Penchant for dictatorship has risen with rampant human rights abuses and disobedience to court orders. Hardships: Nigerians have experienced more hardships.The price of a piece of tomato is 100 naira now. The President himself attested to this that their would be more hardships (THE SUN newspaper Tuesday, December 15, 2015). Fuel scarcity which has refused to subside among many other things.
But do not be dismayed my people,the ride will be short just as it was for Saul,we have spent one year and we are almost at the end of the four year tenure. 2019 is just around the corner. Just has God prepared a new king(David) for the Isrealites who reigned in place of Saul,God is preparing our David in 2019. The season of preparation before great works are accomplished is not time wasted let us get ready to send this nomad back to where he belongs. God told Samuel to fulfill the people’s request. This was not because their request was good or right, but because God would teach Israel through this just has it is happening here in Nigeria. Sometimes when we insist on having something bad God will allow us to have it and then teach through it.  


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