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Monday 25 April 2016

Student Arrested After Tweeting He Would Bomb Trump’s Rally

A Connecticut student was arrested Saturday after tweets he made about bombing a Donald Trump rally. He was picked up by the Secret Service. Connecticut State Police allege that Sean Taylor Morkys, 20, posted the message 'Is someone going to bomb the Trump rally or am I going to have to?'

They say the psychology student then posted a second tweet warning friends to have their family members leave Trump's Bridgeport, Connecticut rally so they wouldn't get hurt.

Police say they received the Secret Service tip-off at around 12:45pm Saturday, at which time Trump's rally at Crosby High School was still ongoing.

State Police Counter-Terrorism detectives, Waterbury Police Department detectives, and special agents with the U.S. Secret Service then launched a joint investigation.

They tracked Morkys to his Waterbury home on Ardsley Road, where they questioned him up till around 5pm.

He was charged with first-degree threatening, inciting injury to a person or property and second-degree breach of peace and will go before court on May 4.

Police say he isn't a threat, and have released him on $25,000 bond.

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