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Monday 25 April 2016

IBB Breaks Silence, Says I Am Ill and No One Is Above Death

Former military President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida is unbothered by last week’s rumour of his death. He told reporters yesterday at his Hilltop Mansion in Minna, the Niger State capital: “The rumour does not shock me; neither does it bother me because I know I must go and meet God, my creator. There is nothing really to worry about, my religion has told me.

“As a Muslim, I strongly believe everybody will die, everybody will die and everybody has to die.  It could be now or in hundred years’ time or two days to come but it doesn’t matter. Everybody must die.”

Gen. Babangida, 74, said nobody is above illness or death because it has been destined by God.

There were rumours last week that the General was critically ill or might have passed on.

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