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Thursday 21 January 2016

Will Smith: Explains Why He's Boycotting The 2016 Oscar Awards "It Feels Like It's Going In The Wrong Direction" (Video)

Video After The JumpWill Smith sat down with ABC's "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts on Thursday, January 21, to weigh in on the growing Oscar Awards controversy over the lack of diversity among nominees.
"When I see this list of nominations that come out, everybody is fantastic. And that's the complexity of this issue," Smith told Roberts. "Everyone is beautiful and deserving and it's fantastic. But it feels like it's going the wrong direction.
 When I look at it, the nominations reflect the Academy. The Academy reflects the industry, reflects Hollywood. And the industry reflects America. Reflects a series of challenges that we are having in our country at the moment. There's a regressive slide towards separatism. Towards racial and religious disharmony."Smith, who many felt should have been nominated for his role in "Concussion," said he will join his wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith, and boycott this year's Oscars.

"My wife's not going. It would be awkward for me to show up with Charlize (Theron)," he added. "We've discussed it, but at this current time, we're uncomfortable to stand there and say this is OK."


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