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Friday 22 January 2016

Nigerian church worker jailed 24 years for raping 17-yr-old girl in the UK

A 22-year-old Nigerian man, Oluwadamilare Baiyewu, has been sentenced to a total of 24 years in prison for violently raping a 17-year-old girl while holding a knife to her throat, Daily Mail reports.The report has it that Baiyewu who was a church volunteer, used his position as a born again Christian to mask his true nature as a sexual predator.
Apart from the teenager he raped, Baiyewu was also said to have attempted to rape another woman but when he could not succeed, he allegedly attacked her with a knife in a string of deadly assaults.

The Woolwich Crown Court heard how Baiyewu, from Fairlawn in Greenwich, first grabbed a 17-year-old at knife point on December 2, 2015, but she managed to break free and escape but a week later, in the same area of Binsey Walk, Thamesmead, he grabbed a victim, also 17, as she got off the bus at 7pm.

He put a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her before marching her into a bin storage area under a walkway where he raped her in a secluded area. Baiyewu was tracked down after DNA linking him to the attacks was recovered.He was arrested on December 16, and was placed on an identity parade where he was picked out by the victim whom he had attempted to rape.

He was also described as a 'dangerous, calculating and predatory rapist' who created the image he was the 'pillar of the community' by helping out at the church.

Detective Constable Chris Hammond of the Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command said:

"Oluwadamilare Baiyewu is a dangerous, calculating, predatory rapist. He volunteered at a local church, creating the image that he was a pillar of the community, which I believe was an attempt to mask his true nature as a sexual predator.

I would like to praise his victims for having the strength to come forward to police and give their evidence in court. The streets of Thamesmead are now a safer place without the presence of Baiyewu.

Despite the overwhelming evidence against him, Baiyewu refused to accept his guilt. He manipulated the legal system to cause two trials to be adjourned which caused both victims further distress."

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